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Need more exposure? We’ve got you covered. Our team of experienced writers can craft the perfect news story to generate interest in your brand. We then publish the story on over 200 news sites to bring you massive exposure and even sales! Start today and be published in just 7 days.
"If I only had two dollars left, I would spend one dollar on PR" - Bill Gates
The quote suggests that he believes investing in PR is important, even in a situation where resources are limited. PR bring you instant credibility and that make you money.
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Our articles prove that you and your brand are public figures of interest that need verification. Many of our clients use our articles to get verified on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.
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Generate more sales by installing our customisable “As Seen On” trust badge on your website. This badge improves conversion rates by up to 48% by building trust and legitimacy with your visitors.
Millions Of Readers
Profit from the readership and authority our partnered news sites have built over many years. Our growing network of news sites ranks high on Google delivering you quality readers.
You will be promoted to 200+ news portals with combindly 140 Million+ monthly readers
Increase in revenue
5 Benefits to Getting Published in Magazine
It’s a thrilling experience to see your name on a large publication for the first time. As your article goes live, you anticipate all the good things that come with being published by a large media outlet. Your hard work has finally paid off.
- You get more reader, which means more clients.
- You establish instant credibility.
- You can connect with other entrepreneurs.
- You gain valuable experience from the publication process.
- You get featured on other publications more easily.